Saturday, May 31, 2008

Flight - performance at the Rampart St. Community Center

Flight - Is it theatre? Is it art? oh no, is it * performance art *!?
Full disclosure, I am involved in this multimedia performance, which involves the talents of both Artspot Productions and Mondo Bizarro in the acting realm, the costumes of Susan Gisleson, the writing of Lisa D'Amour, music by Randels and LaRocca, video by me, directed by J Hammons, and, conceived and designed by Jeff Becker, whose amazing large scale moving sculptures form and define the set. (whew!)  The performance was reviewed by the theatre critic at the Gambit, and by the art critic for the Times-Picayune.  It's interesting to compare these pieces of writing for their underlying ideas about art and theatre and their intersections. I take issue with some of the assumptions about performance art espoused in each article; however, happenings or actions that get labeled as "performance art" are far between here, most often found in excellent, dance-heavy form at places like the SideArm Gallery.  Is this label only applied to work that can't otherwise be labeled? Does Wikipedia  help define the undefinable with statements like "Performance artists often challenge the audience to think in new and unconventional ways about theatre and performing, break conventions of traditional performing arts, and break down conventional ideas about "what art is"..."?  Performance art, with its academic origins in Dada, is a shape shifter whose spirit New Orleanians are intimate with every Fat Tuesday.  This spirit comes out locally in concealed forms as well - a recent short film called "Truth"  made by the local youth collective 2-Cent is a great document of a local performance art action.  Watch it on their website. 

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